is Protection?
In recent times I have had an extraordinary number of people
requesting crystals that will help protect them. I always find this to be a
fascination question as it’s very important to know what somebody means by the
term protection and what do they want protecting from.
Protection can mean that somebody is experiences what they
think is bad luck or simply that their life has take a turn that they did not
expect or want. (Citrine, Imperial Topaz, Sunstone for a positive outlook on
Protection may mean that somebody is sensitive to feeling or
noticing negative energies being given off by others, or that they feel they
are being talked about in an unkind way. (Blue topaz to take you beyond it,
Hematite to ground, Lapis Lazuli to strengthen your aura.)
Protection may mean that somebody just feels unsettles by
what’s happening in the world or they want to counteract the effects of astrological
influences. (Crystals for your personal astrology, Botswana Agate to alleviate
Some people want protection from what they can feel being
given off from mobile phone masts, wireless networks, computers, tv’s etc.
(Black tourmaline, clear quartz.)
Some have been told by others that they need protection from
entities or that they have an Entity Attachment.
All in all the biggest commonality in somebody requesting
protection is that there is some sort of fear present. Fear is just something
that is not understood or not yet known. (Obsidian)
It’s very difficult to step into somebody else’s shoes to experience
what they are experiancing, it’s not very healthy on yourself even if you can.
So it’s good to ask specific questions and to take a good look at the person in
front of you. How are they behaving, are they of sound mind, how is their
Some people say that if you have psychic experiences where
you see or hear phenomenon then you must have a mental health problem. Well I’m
not a medical person and would never suggest that I know anything about medical
practices, but I do find it fascinating that there does seem to an interesting
line between a hallucination and a psychic experience. In my opinion (which has
no grounding in medical knowledge at all I might add), a psychic experience may
be or may not be about yourself, but just being able to notice subtle energies
that are latent within an environment. The difference maybe the reaction to
what is noticed.
Somebody whose diet isn’t very good, because they are not
getting all the right vitamins and minerals in their body, may also have phenomenon
experiences. This may generate a lot of fear because they are noticing energies
within their environment that they don’t yet understand, so their imagination
takes over. The imagination can be very
powerful but not necessarily very helpful.
A good balanced diet creates a healthy mind and body as well
as a healthy emotional state. When a person eats and drinks well, avoids the
usual things that heighten emotional states like, sugar, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine
and recreational drugs you often find a person is able to deal with situations
and life events in a more rational and objective way. It’s when we feel out of control
that we believe we need assistance.
Then there is simply being sensitive. Some people are just aware
of things that they may not be able to explain.
What to do next.
All of the above sensitivities, although with subtle
varieties can be helped. Confidence, strength and courage are huge factors in
somebody taking responsibility for their life and creating change. Being stuck
is when there is a feeling that the world is conspiring against them. This isn’t
the case when you really think about it. It’s when action is not being applied.
Learning to forgive and accept yourself as well as others, being willing to
make a change within yourself and within your own personality. You can make a
change by noticing the reflections in the world around you, by what you are putting
out there. This is a huge life lesson which a lot of people chose to ignore.
What you put out is what you get back (reaping what you sow, so to speak).
Crystals that can help with these are Tigers eye, any Jasper, Agate, Hematite,
Smokey quartz, Rose quartz, Petalite, Aquamarine, Morganite.
If somebody is too sensitive, then quite probably they are just
not grounded in this reality. A good dose of Iron and eating carbohydrates like
potatoes and pasta, reduce sugar and caffeine and alcohol intake, for example
are great for reducing over sensitivity. I know because I was one of these. Now
I’m grounded, I still notice all kinds of subtle energies but I’m not consumed
by it. This is also true for those who are sensitive to wireless frequencies
and those frequencies that electrical equipment give out. In such cases I’d
recommend turning off such equipment when not in use, limiting the use of the
equipment. Having a quartz crystal cluster nearby, may stop you taking on the effects
of such things by strengthening your aura. Black tourmaline is also very good
for grounding these energies.
The Key I think for living a fear free life is being able to
deal with life not being consumed by it. Everything in the universe is
changing, nothing stays the same but yet some people find change extremely
difficult. Is this due to expectation of what sort of life they think they
should be living or expect to be living? It’s very difficult to predict what’s around the
corner (unless somebody is stuck in habits) so all you can do is deal with what’s
directly in front of you. Something’s in life are easy something’s are not. It’s
allowing yourself to be stronger individuals, taking responsibility for your
own actions. How to make a change? Well this takes an action in the right
Now, what is an entity? Why would somebody say that you
would have one?
I’ve been down this route when I was so open to ideas and
others people’s beliefs that I forgot to stop and take a good look and have a
good think.
Some people believe that an entity attachment is a creature
that exists in the astral. If somebody is weak then the entity can attach itself
to you through holes in your aura. I’m not denying that they exist or do not exist
only to take a look at it with a questioning mind.
This reality that we live in is very solid, we use our 5
senses to experience our reality and those with developed sixth sense can
notice subtle energies that pass through this reality. Anything that is of a
finer energy than this reality, cannot attach itself to anything of this reality.
There are many habits that exist within our selves, some are useful but many
are not. Some habits that some people have are for example, over eating of
fatty foods, over indulgence of alcohol, over use of recreational drugs,
abusive behaviour, emotional manipulation, I’m sure you can think of many more.
When a habit becomes out of hand because of persistent attention, it can over
time become crystallized into a geometry (entity) that becomes a part of you in
some way which can be notice within your aura. The only way to rid yourself of
such an ‘entity’ is to change your habits. Look to yourself first if somebody
says you have an entity attachment, it is after all a part of you that needs
addressing. Crystals that are good to deal with change are Moldavite,
Moonstone, Tekite, Obsidian, Tigers Eye, Faden Quartz, Amethyst.
By Bev McDonnell
This article is based upon my opinions and experiences only.
I have no medical or scientific fact supporting them.
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