Sunday, 23 September 2012
Raw Food health by Philippa Pickering
I grew up in a big family, with big appetites. We never had very much money and so food was cheap, feeding 7 (sometimes 8, sometimes more) hungry people. Due to the expenditure we always had to eat everything on our plate – like it or not. I have a memory of being sat at the dining table looking at a plate of grey, wobbly liver, crying because I did not want to eat it. My mum would not tolerate hard earned food being wasted and so I had to sit there… luckily my sister came along and ate it for me (thanks Sis) but there began my lifelong dislike for meat. It always felt wrong to me to put this dead animal into my body and so I survived on mainly potatoes, chips, spaghetti, cheese, crisps and chocolate! I’m not sure how I actually survived my teen years with the rubbish I used to put into my body, not forgetting the drugs, cigarettes and alcohol. I was probably a typical teenager but looking back at my diet I find it quite unbelievable that this was me.
Then, my life began at 21………. (there’s a song in there somewhere)…….
Up until this moment I had not been REALLY living, just plodding along. I made a massive decision to leave my life behind and travel to Israel to work and live on a kibbutz. WOW! What an experience for a young, small-town girl. I was opened up to new sensory experiences, a fusion of new sights, sights, sounds and tastes. Being away from home made it easier to experiment with different foods, to find out my likes and dislikes. The kibbutz food was buffet style every day so I could try a little of everything, to my delight. Falafel, hummus, olive oil, pita bread, olives….the list goes on, and although these are now classed as mainstream foods, for me in 2000 these were amazing! I remember walking through Ber sheva with a smoothie made with fruits I had never tasted before, thinking ‘surely this can’t be good for me?’ how wrong was I?
Whilst in Israel I developed the travelling bug and made plans to go to Australia the following year for 12 months. The food there was fresh, wholesome and grown in their beautiful sunny climates. I tried no end of different salads, smoothies, juices, vegetables that were not even available back in England. It was also there that I met my beautiful husband who has been an absolute rock for me over the past 10 years. We travelled together to Thailand and experienced exotic freshly cooked foods that I still dream of today.
Returning home together I started at university and money was fairly tight. I also worked part-time and so healthy eating was not a priority. I remained a vegetarian but commenced my junk food diet – just without meat or milk. I had a real love of anything sweet – cakes, biscuits, chocolate, I just could not get enough. Fortunately/unfortunately I have always been a great cook and so would whip up big dinners and always pudding for afterwards. I could eat as much (and more) than my husband, which is a lot for a little lady. My plates would be piled high and I never forgot my mum’s words telling me to ‘eat everything on my plate’ and so like a good girl I would obey and polish off the lot. My huge appetite was always commented on whenever we ate out with friends and family, leaving me to feel and call myself ‘greedy’, as this is what I believed was true. Looking back I now realise that this was my body’s way of trying desperately to gain any nutrition it could from the food I was eating. I may not have been eating meat or milk which is very stressful to the body but I was consuming an awful amount of bread, wheat and sugar that are equally as stressful and toxic for our bodies.
All this changed when on my 31st birthday I was diagnosed with breast cancer. To be told at such a young age (or at any age) that you have cancer is almost too much to take in. You realise in that instant how short life is and that you are living on borrowed time. I was TOLD what procedures I would be having, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, medication, i was never asked so I went along with it, swept up in the medical world trying to ‘save me’.
Rewind several months to a chance overhearing on a train that changed my life and has led me to be where I am today. Sitting opposite a young woman I overheard her discussing a ‘holistic nutrition course’ she was on and how amazing it was. As the woman and I got off at the same station I stopped her and asked for the details and made some enquires on the internet when I got home. Fast forward to laying on the couch recovering from my third batch of chemotherapy a few months later, when I received a phone call from the Nutritional Healing Foundation asking me if I was still interested in joining up for the course. In my current state I thought this wasn’t possible and told the woman regrettably so. Putting down the phone my mind started to wander at the possibility that maybe I could do this, or at least go along for the introductory day to see if I could manage.
The following Saturday I alighted the train at Salford and hobbled along the road on blister covered feet , mouth as dry as a dessert with a white, swollen tongue and a terrible wig perched on my head (all lovely side-effects of the chemo) to a place where I knew I belonged. I met so many like minded people, all looking for a way to improve not only their own health but also the health of others. I was hooked. The course taught us that the food and fluid that you put into your body affects every cell and that we do have the power to heal ourselves. I took a good look at the food I was eating; stopped drinking alcohol completely, cut out refined sugars, reduced my wheat intake and generally improved my diet. Armed with this new knowledge I informed my Oncologist that I would be cutting the chemotherapy short, that I would not be having radiotherapy and that I would not be taking Tamoxifen (I did end up taking Tamoxifen for a short while after much persuasion).
After completing my first year on the course and feeling stronger and healthier I decided to leave my job and go travelling again. My husband and I travelled extensively in Malaysia, Singapore and New Zealand, sampling some good and mostly not so good cuisine. Returning home felt good and I knew that I could begin to start eating well again. Throughout the journey my old eating habits had slipped back firmly into place and I was as addicted to sugar and bread as I had ever been, if not more. I had eaten muffins, cakes, biscuits, pancakes, fried banana bread, chocolate peanut-butter waffles, naan bread until I thought I could eat no more, and returned home feeling bloated, uncomfortable and addicted.
After settling in back at home and awaiting a start date for my new job I went for my regular smear test, expecting as you do, that the results will be fine……then I received that dreaded phone call AGAIN, only this time it was cervical cancer. I could not believe I was in this situation again and in some ways this hit me harder and in a different place. I felt I had no excuse this time. Yes my eating habits had slipped but surely I was healthier than the average person? Obviously I wasn’t. I knew I had to really sort myself out this time and address any issues that were causing my body to react in this way. I believed (and still do) that cancer is not something that ‘just
happens’, that there must be a causative factor. The medical professionals admitted that they did not know the cause, all the knowledge they had centred around removing the cancer. I was again TOLD that I would need a radical hysterectomy, followed by a combination of chemo/radiotherapy. I (politely) informed them in no uncertain words that there was ABSOLUTELY NO WAY I would undergo any of these procedures and instead opted for (against the consultant’s advice) a much smaller procedure of a biopsy to remove any cancer cells still present on my cervix. I was told that in all his years of working the consultant had NEVER met anybody who had turned these procedures down. Well I have always wanted to be different!
I embarked on a raw food diet, cutting out any processed, refined foods. Bread, dairy, fish, sugar, cooked grains, all went out of the window and in their place I ate green smoothies, soups, salads, fruits and sprouted seeds and grains. I got in touch with my tutor who devised a technique plan for me too, using enemas, castor oil packing, flaxseed tea, hot and cold showers, daily exercise, and as importantly I have worked on emotional issues getting amazing results with EFT from a German New Medicine practitioner.
This brings me up to date to today. This recent ‘dis-ease’ is not long behind me but I understand and feel differently about cancer today. It has been described to me as ‘our bodies last defence at protecting itself’, which I have taken to understand as like a blister forming after a shoe has rubbed too long. Cancer is inflammation of cells; a blister is inflammation of the skin cells, both trying to protect the delicate tissues underneath.
My journey to heal myself continues and will not end until my last day on earth, but how lovely it feels to be looking after myself, at last! My diet is now almost 100% raw and remains similar to what was earlier advised; only now I’ve added in nuts, seeds, and occasional raw chocolate and raw desserts. I’m not rigid though; if I go out for a meal with friends and there isn’t a raw option then I’ll eat cooked vegan food and appreciate the company of my friends rather than focusing on what’s for the next course. I still love sweet food only now I satisfy this with fruit. If I’m going out for a special occasion and know there won’t be a suitable dessert for me then I go prepared and take my own, which I must admit tastes better than the manufactured, mass produced, ‘plastic’ food that is always present at these events. I have had horrendous cravings for bread which after time have now passed and I no longer have cravings of any sort. I can replicate nearly everything I used to eat before only in a healthier, raw way. I absolutely love the new world of raw food that has opened up before me, the fantastic like-minded people I am meeting and the recipes and food that I am experimenting with. My path has changed again but I would not change it for the world. I don’t ever wish that I hadn’t had cancer as I wouldn’t be here today doing what I love. It has shaken me out of my reverie and made me appreciate my life, what I have and realise the potential of what I can be.
Blog written by Philippa Pickering
So what is ‘raw food’?
Raw food is uncooked, unprocessed and organic (where possible) food that has not been heated above 47.7 c/118 f.
It can be dehydrated, fermented, sprouted and sundried.
What is a typical raw food diet?
A raw food diet is based around vegetables, fruit, seeds, and nuts.
It does not include processed or refined foods.
What are the benefits of raw food?
It is pure, unadulterated, whole food that is rich in vitamins, minerals, enzymes and phytonutrients. Eating a raw food diet will renew energy and encourage weight loss. Raw foods are very nutrient dense and energising and possess many health and health-promoting properties, these include:
* Weight loss
* Improved digestion
* Improved immune function (less colds & infections)
* Clearer complexion
* Increase in energy & vitality
* Improved mental clarity
* Reduction in fluid retention
* Reduced risk of chronic conditions (heart disease, diabetes etc)
Why not eat cooked food?
When food is processed or heated above 47.7 c/118 f, many of the natural enzymes, phytonutrients and essential nutrients are destroyed. cooking can also produce unnatural chemical substances which places strain on the bodies detoxification organs i.e. liver, gut and kidneys. Many processed foods have no nutritional value at all and are often loaded with fats, sugars, salt, preservatives and chemicals.
How do I go raw?
Why not try replacing one cooked meal with one raw meal. Find a recipe in a book that reminds you of an old favorite and try a raw version. When you learn to make a few raw food dishes, many mysteries of raw food preparation will unravel and the whole process will seem easy.
Benefits of ingredients used in raw food preparation:
Raw cacao powder/butter:
Packed with antioxidants for mood-boosting and a concentrated source of nutrients (particularly Magnesium).
Lucuma powder:
A nutrient dense fruit used as a natural sweetener. It provides fibre, vitamins and minerals.
Maca powder:
A Peruvian root vegetable rich in protein, iron and calcium. it is naturally sweet and is renowned as a hormone balancer and an aphrodisiac.
Agave nectar:
A natural sweetener from the agave cactus plant that is low on the glycemic index, making it safe for those monitoring sugar levels.
Coconut sugar:
Is not considered raw but it is used as it is low on the glycemic index and is unprocessed, unfiltered, unbleached and contains no preservatives.
Full of nutritional value. They contain essential amino acids and fatty acids our body needs.
High in iron, protein, calcium and potassium. They are packed with essential fats, vitamins and minerals that are nourishing and energising.
Philippa has just joined Global Tribe Cafe team! Pop by to say hi!
Thursday, 20 September 2012
Is it that time of year again ?
Is it that
time of year again ?
I am
astounded at how fast this year has slipped by. Last week we received our 2013
Calendars and Diaries. Both, Bev and I were extremely surprised. Summer slipped
by in an Olympic haze. Spring was a blur of café creation. Autumn has arrived
with winds and cooler but sunny days.
With the
arrival of Calendars for 2013, we became promptly assured that the end of the
world was not on the horizon and that time would continue its listless
progression. Comforted that the Mayan calendar had simply run out and that they
forgot to order the next 5125 year cycle, we had a quick look around the store
and both started making mental lists.
This will be
our 14th Christmas at Global Tribe Crystals and our 1st
in Global Tribe Café. Each year we begin to look at Christmas stock and gifts in
September and October. Can you believe that we order the bulk of our calendars and
date books in March ? Each year the process gets easier and easier. I remember
the second Christmas and all the flurry and nervousness around what to order
and how many ?
These days it’s
all a lot simpler and easier. There are a few companies that we simply love to
order from. Our three main suppliers are Fair Trade and have amazing ethics. It’s
not something that we have advertised, but a large percentage of our products
are Fairly Traded. Maroma is one of our
favourite suppliers and they have an amazing track record. They are Fair trade,
they use lead free glazes, sustainably produced packaging and vegetable dyes in
their packaging.
company is inspired by Buddhist values and ethos. They regularly give to many
charities and support some fantastic schemes to help communities throughout the
world. When we first met them, their representative introduced himself as a
Buddhist Monk. Then he told us that many of the employees are also monks.
We also work
with some individuals who go to various places and work closely with specialist
craftsmen and women. One of our suppliers regularly travels to Nepal, where she
purchases the best quality singing bowls that we have found. She buys these
directly from the makers, who hand raise each bowl. She has a wonderful heart
and does a lot of work for animals and animal charities in Nepal, working with
local vets.
We have a
very simple attitude when it comes to business. We only work with nice people
who have good attitudes and ethics. It makes life so much more beautiful, when
we have a good relationship with our suppliers and we know their ethics are
We are
finding some excellent suppliers for the café too. Just today I contacted a UK
firm that works with ethical food suppliers all over the world. They have been
recommended to us by some fantastic nutritionists in Yorkshire. I am happy to
say that they pride themselves in knowing the origin of their food produce and
how their people are treated. These little extras make it much easier for Bev
and I to do business.
We know that
the money we spend on stock for the shop or food for the café, is given to
companies that have a clear conscience and will use that money in an ethical
way. That’s how Bev and I shop and I have heard from many of our clients, that
they shop this way too. If politics isn’t helping, we can always vote with our
pounds. We can support businesses that work in ethical and conscious ways.
So for me it’s
back to ordering for the madness which is to come. We will keep you posted as
to the new products that we will begin to stock as they come in. There are a
few new ranges due in. These include Fresh loose teas ( yes, the ones we serve
in the café), the glassware that we serve them in and some very exciting new style oil burners.
Thanks for
Thursday, 13 September 2012
Choosing a Healthy Path
I have been vegetarian for about ten years. Before that, I used to eat a lot of meat. In fact my mother used to say, that I would have to marry the butcher’s daughter.
In 2001, I began to meditate and discovered that the lighter I became the more I noticed in my meditation. This all resonated deeply inside me. I had been looking for answers and truth all my life. I had read a lot, but in the back of my being, hidden under the layers habit and society’s dogma, was a part of me that knew I would have to make some changes. Ever since I began, actively searching for the truth, I knew that meditation and vegetarianism would be part of this journey.
Soon after I had become vegetarian I stopped smoking too. What a massive difference that made. I didn’t realise how often I used to think about smoking. How I used to plan my day and journeys around creating an opportunity for a sneaky toke. At the time of giving up, I had been smoking for more than 15 years. Literally the smoke cleared around me. I found myself thinking clearly, with focus and intent for the first time in years. I also had ample money in my pocket for the first time. What a change.
I made a conscious decision to look more closely at my diet. Energetically I was much lighter by being vegetarian but I had supplemented that with additional food at silly times. The first thing I did was stop eating late at night. It was a small step but the weight slowly began to drop off.
There is something really magical about doing work on yourself. I felt better that I had made a change and it gave me a boost. I started having breakfast and lunch and eating less at night. The weight shifted again. I watched my pulse rate drop to under 90 for the first time in years. It is currenty 62. About 2 years ago I started meeting some wonderful people, who were much more health conscious. I guess my excitement at becoming more healthy, naturally led me to having conversations with a new crowd of people about health and well being.
I began to learn about the food revolution and my curiosity was aroused. When I was living in Brasil, I used to eat Acai every day. It was the most amazing food I had ever eaten. It brought an incredible balance to my whole system. Even in those days, whilst still eating meat I had recognised the qualities of this amazing fruit. The smoothie bars in Rio de Janeiro could be a new wonder of the modern world. I used to have smoothies every day. The fruit there is a kaleidoscope of goodness. You can buy combinations of fruits and vegetables specifically designed for various purposes. Immune boost, energy boost, balancing, grounding, uplifting were just a few among the options available. Wow, there are fruits there that I have never heard of. Acerola, ten times more vitamin C than a lemon or Camu Camu ten times more vitamin c than an Acerola. A veritable garden of nutritious delights. Slowly, I began to remember the health conscious attitude I had, when I was travelling for 4 years in Brasil. I had strayed from the healthy path.
It is amazing what happens when you change your intention, just slightly. I had just decided to be healthier and put a little bit of energy in that direction. Gently, I have found myself having different conversations, being open to new information, remembering the useful and positive parts of my life that are part of this internal healthy revolution. Finding this healthy revolution in the people around me and enjoying the journey with them. Just being open to change, invites some of the most wonderful opportunities directly to your door.
Just 20 months ago, we got the nod from the estate agents that we could have the café. It’s just natural, that in deciding to become more healthy and to change our habits, that this opportunity, that we have been hoping for over the past 10 years has finally matured. I am learning that just a small conscious shift in intention and a little energy applied can lead to some remarkable results.
We began to talk to people about the café, about our hopes and dreams for it. People of a similar mind, heart and intention naturally came closer to us. We found ourselves being advised and guided by some wonderful people, who have been working on themselves and with food for longer than us.
About 6 months ago, a good friend of ours asked if we could accommodate a Brasilian and a Columbian for a few weeks. We were very excited, but had no idea how fortuitous the visit would be. Nelsa turned out to be a nutritionist, acupuncturist and all round super healthy person. What a joy to receive her. We allowed her to look after all the food organisation. We began each day early, with a three course breakfast of fruit, toasties and porridge. Sometimes we would have a specific food item like pineapple with pineapple tea. She put food together in such an intelligent manner. We also had a good lunch and found ourselves having a light salad for tea. I had never eaten so well. Nelsa told us that it is best to eat like a king or queen at breakfast, like a prince or princess at lunch and like a pauper for supper. We talked about how different organs come online at different times. In particular, the stomach comes online early in the morning, drops down a gear after 12pm and almost stops after 3pm. We had our sweet stuff in the morning, like honey and agave nectar, as the stomach can process these types of food better in the morning. I had never, eaten or felt so healthy in my life. Thank you Nelsa, for turning up just at the right time to help us on the next step of our journey to a healthier life. Martha, who also stayed with us at this time, is responsible for the Quinoa salad that is currently on the menu. Thank you Martha for this classic Columbian salad.
I began to learn about the alkali diet and the delicate balance of Ph within the body. Armed with this new information, I began to choose foods that helped me to maintain a healthy Ph in my own body. I started drinking a little bicarbonate of soda in my water. Wow, I noticed a calmness in my body that reflected the calmness that I get when I meditate. I had no idea that my body had been fighting the acid for so long.
About 3 months ago, a few people began to come a little closer to us. They have continued our education about healthy food and diet. So many thanks to Steve the Clown, Susan Laing and Phillipa. I am very happy to announce that Phillipa will be joining the Global Tribe team in the café, next week. We look forward to her knowledge, Gluten free and vegan cakes as well as her raw food and delightful smile.
I feel like we are at the threshold of something wonderful. I look forward to the following years as we continue to meet the people of the world who are choosing to make a difference and are not scared to take a look at themselves and start there. Wow, there is an inspiring bunch of people in this area. Each gifted in different ways, willing to shine and be part of the next stage in our evolution.
To walk lightly upon the planet.
To take care and respect our own bodies and that of mother earth.
To get educated and to challenge the status quo.
To offer a new perspective from big Pharmaceuticals and their antiquated ways.
I am happy to say that I am not a Doctor and my words here are just my opinions. These opinions have come from my own research and should not be substituted for Medical Fact.
Thursday, 6 September 2012
What Is Protection?
is Protection?
In recent times I have had an extraordinary number of people
requesting crystals that will help protect them. I always find this to be a
fascination question as it’s very important to know what somebody means by the
term protection and what do they want protecting from.
Protection can mean that somebody is experiences what they
think is bad luck or simply that their life has take a turn that they did not
expect or want. (Citrine, Imperial Topaz, Sunstone for a positive outlook on
Protection may mean that somebody is sensitive to feeling or
noticing negative energies being given off by others, or that they feel they
are being talked about in an unkind way. (Blue topaz to take you beyond it,
Hematite to ground, Lapis Lazuli to strengthen your aura.)
Protection may mean that somebody just feels unsettles by
what’s happening in the world or they want to counteract the effects of astrological
influences. (Crystals for your personal astrology, Botswana Agate to alleviate
Some people want protection from what they can feel being
given off from mobile phone masts, wireless networks, computers, tv’s etc.
(Black tourmaline, clear quartz.)
Some have been told by others that they need protection from
entities or that they have an Entity Attachment.
All in all the biggest commonality in somebody requesting
protection is that there is some sort of fear present. Fear is just something
that is not understood or not yet known. (Obsidian)
It’s very difficult to step into somebody else’s shoes to experience
what they are experiancing, it’s not very healthy on yourself even if you can.
So it’s good to ask specific questions and to take a good look at the person in
front of you. How are they behaving, are they of sound mind, how is their
Some people say that if you have psychic experiences where
you see or hear phenomenon then you must have a mental health problem. Well I’m
not a medical person and would never suggest that I know anything about medical
practices, but I do find it fascinating that there does seem to an interesting
line between a hallucination and a psychic experience. In my opinion (which has
no grounding in medical knowledge at all I might add), a psychic experience may
be or may not be about yourself, but just being able to notice subtle energies
that are latent within an environment. The difference maybe the reaction to
what is noticed.
Somebody whose diet isn’t very good, because they are not
getting all the right vitamins and minerals in their body, may also have phenomenon
experiences. This may generate a lot of fear because they are noticing energies
within their environment that they don’t yet understand, so their imagination
takes over. The imagination can be very
powerful but not necessarily very helpful.
A good balanced diet creates a healthy mind and body as well
as a healthy emotional state. When a person eats and drinks well, avoids the
usual things that heighten emotional states like, sugar, alcohol, nicotine, caffeine
and recreational drugs you often find a person is able to deal with situations
and life events in a more rational and objective way. It’s when we feel out of control
that we believe we need assistance.
Then there is simply being sensitive. Some people are just aware
of things that they may not be able to explain.
What to do next.
All of the above sensitivities, although with subtle
varieties can be helped. Confidence, strength and courage are huge factors in
somebody taking responsibility for their life and creating change. Being stuck
is when there is a feeling that the world is conspiring against them. This isn’t
the case when you really think about it. It’s when action is not being applied.
Learning to forgive and accept yourself as well as others, being willing to
make a change within yourself and within your own personality. You can make a
change by noticing the reflections in the world around you, by what you are putting
out there. This is a huge life lesson which a lot of people chose to ignore.
What you put out is what you get back (reaping what you sow, so to speak).
Crystals that can help with these are Tigers eye, any Jasper, Agate, Hematite,
Smokey quartz, Rose quartz, Petalite, Aquamarine, Morganite.
If somebody is too sensitive, then quite probably they are just
not grounded in this reality. A good dose of Iron and eating carbohydrates like
potatoes and pasta, reduce sugar and caffeine and alcohol intake, for example
are great for reducing over sensitivity. I know because I was one of these. Now
I’m grounded, I still notice all kinds of subtle energies but I’m not consumed
by it. This is also true for those who are sensitive to wireless frequencies
and those frequencies that electrical equipment give out. In such cases I’d
recommend turning off such equipment when not in use, limiting the use of the
equipment. Having a quartz crystal cluster nearby, may stop you taking on the effects
of such things by strengthening your aura. Black tourmaline is also very good
for grounding these energies.
The Key I think for living a fear free life is being able to
deal with life not being consumed by it. Everything in the universe is
changing, nothing stays the same but yet some people find change extremely
difficult. Is this due to expectation of what sort of life they think they
should be living or expect to be living? It’s very difficult to predict what’s around the
corner (unless somebody is stuck in habits) so all you can do is deal with what’s
directly in front of you. Something’s in life are easy something’s are not. It’s
allowing yourself to be stronger individuals, taking responsibility for your
own actions. How to make a change? Well this takes an action in the right
Now, what is an entity? Why would somebody say that you
would have one?
I’ve been down this route when I was so open to ideas and
others people’s beliefs that I forgot to stop and take a good look and have a
good think.
Some people believe that an entity attachment is a creature
that exists in the astral. If somebody is weak then the entity can attach itself
to you through holes in your aura. I’m not denying that they exist or do not exist
only to take a look at it with a questioning mind.
This reality that we live in is very solid, we use our 5
senses to experience our reality and those with developed sixth sense can
notice subtle energies that pass through this reality. Anything that is of a
finer energy than this reality, cannot attach itself to anything of this reality.
There are many habits that exist within our selves, some are useful but many
are not. Some habits that some people have are for example, over eating of
fatty foods, over indulgence of alcohol, over use of recreational drugs,
abusive behaviour, emotional manipulation, I’m sure you can think of many more.
When a habit becomes out of hand because of persistent attention, it can over
time become crystallized into a geometry (entity) that becomes a part of you in
some way which can be notice within your aura. The only way to rid yourself of
such an ‘entity’ is to change your habits. Look to yourself first if somebody
says you have an entity attachment, it is after all a part of you that needs
addressing. Crystals that are good to deal with change are Moldavite,
Moonstone, Tekite, Obsidian, Tigers Eye, Faden Quartz, Amethyst.
By Bev McDonnell
This article is based upon my opinions and experiences only.
I have no medical or scientific fact supporting them.
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